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- Affiliations | Alex Liu
实习经历 穿越现实世界的旅行。 Hypergryph Game Engineer Intern May 2024 - August 2024 I joined the Arknights: Endfield team as a game engineer intern in summer 2024. NYU Future Reality Lab Student Researcher Oct. 2023 - Present I joined the NYU Future Reality Lab in Oct. 2023 with Prof. Ken Perlin as my advisor. I am actively conducting research on XR applications in game design and development. NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Student Researcher May 2023 - Oct. 2023 ML-Based Terrain Generation with Prof. Gizem Kayar • Researched and designed algorithms to perform procedural terrain generation by sketches using CGAN • Evaluated possible machine learning techniques and conducted quantitative analyses of their performance • Implemented tools for generating sketches and for game engine - model communication New York University Teaching Assistant - CSCIUA-202 Operating Systems Sep. 2024 - Dec. 2024 Teaching Assistant - CSCIUA-480 Computer Graphics Jan. 2024 - May 2024 Teaching Assistant - GAMESUT-121 Intermediate Game Development Sep. 2023 - Dec. 2023 Founder, Director Sep. 2021 - Present • Founded the student-organized independent game studio in 2021 with 17 active members, 5 completed game projects, and 2 ongoing large-scale projects • Developed mature procedures and tools for professional game development and team management Silverjay Studio Game Software Engineer Intern May 2022 - Aug. 2022 • Developed physics simulation, player behavior, and UI system for using Unity and C# • Implemented character AI using Behaviour Trees and Goal-Oriented Programming • Researched and developed effects for fog, water, and stars using Raymarching and Compute Shaders • Developed editor tool in Unity for editing character behavior state machines Gameloft Inc. NetEase Inc. Game Client Engineer Intern Aug. 2020 - Nov. 2020 • Developed character clothing in NARAKA: Bladepoint using mass-spring systems for physics and multi-pass PBR shaders for realistic rendering • Developed UI and event systems for tutorial sessions • Optimized GC allocation using Unity Profiler and rendering overhead using Render Doc • Developed timeline editor tools to synchronize character animation, particle effects, and game logic
- Projects | Alex Liu
PROJECTS 游戏与App Song of Maka Game 2021 - Now Director, Lead Developer, Designer (Team of 10) SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 Website Re: Live Game 2022 Lead Developer, Designer (Team of 5) SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 Details Prelude of Time Game 2020 - 2021 Producer, Developer, Designer (Team of 4) SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 Details Curious about the tech behind these graphics ? For Halby Game 2019 Lead Developer (Team of 6) SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 Details Well Planned iOS App 2020 Fullstack Developer (Team of 1) SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 App Store Page Well Lived iOS App 2020 Fullstack Developer (Team of 1) SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 App Store Page Sketchball iOS Game 2020 Fullstack Developer (Team of 1) SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 App Store Page If you are looking for more large-scale projects, check out the work experience page! Entangled Game 2023 Lead Developer, Designer (Team of 8) SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 Wild Puller Game 2021 Lead Developer (Team of 4) SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 Details Journey to the Dawn Game 2021 Developer (Team of 6) SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 Details Selene Game 2020 Designer, Developer (Team of 2) SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 Details ... and many more on the way!
- Studio | Alex Liu
银鸟工作室 Silverjay Studio 是一家位于纽约市的学生组织的游戏工作室。 网站
- Tech Highlights | Alex Liu
实习经历 穿越现实世界的旅行。 < Back to Codespace Experiments These are interactive experiments to play with. Have fun! cloth_simulator SELENE: Music Track Editor A music track editing software for rhythm games. It contains a fully functional file system , a visual editor interface , an integration of MIDI audio , and a game engine import/export system . SK Sprite Editor An image processing tool embedded in the Unity Editor that allows us to draw, erase, create, and adjust images (just like Photoshop!) without having to use other software. Procedural Growth An algorithm to generate natural growth of tree branches. It has procedural collision, adaptive rendering, and controllable parameters (direction, density, curvature, etc.). Dual Grid System A dynamic drag-and-drop dual grid system with opposite colliders and colors on the two sides. A* pathfinding is also included. AI-Powered Characters AI-driven players in a sports setting implemented using behaviour trees built with FSMs . They can learn from past games and adjust their behaviours with a lightweight ML-inspired algorithm. Ray Tracer A real-time ray tracer with TAA and octree BVH . It supports rendering for opaque, transparent, emissive, reflective, and refractive materials on .obj, .fbx, and .gltf models. Cloth Simulation A mass-spring system with gravity and collision. It uses compute shaders to speed up the computation. This system is also applicable for string simulation. In-Game Console An extendable in-game console system with command tips. *Currently deployed in most Silverjay Studio projects. Dialogue System & Node Editor A powerful dialogue system with visual node editing . It supports options, branching, custom events, randomization, localization, and built-in variables. We can use it to make dialogues ready for production. Text Animator A powerful inline text animator system . It has 10+ text effects and 5+ typewriter effects. Deployed in almost all of my game projects. Pathfinding Applet An applet demonstrating various pathfinding algorithms (A*, B*, BFS, DFS, etc.). The user can run any of the algorithms from any point on the randomly generated maps. Real-time Combat System A combat system that supports behaviour tree-based enemy AI, multiple weapons, combos, visual effects, buffs, and more.
- About | Alex Liu
Hi! Thanks for your visiting my website :) This is Alex [Pincun] Liu. I am currently an undergraduate student pursuing degrees in Game Design and Computer Science at New York University . Currently, my focus is Unity game programming, graphics & shader programming, game prototyping, and UI design . The enchanting concoction of sci ence and art has always fascinated me. Luckily, the gaming industry embodies this very essence. My ultimate goal is to become a full-stack game developer, harnessing the might of technology to craft captivating artistic representations. (What a nice dream!) *I also enjoy music composing! Check out some of my works here . Back to Menu < View Resume
- Codespace | Alex Liu
我的免费游戏开发课程。 (目前有中文版本) 课程 float h(vec2 p ){p *= 0.5;p.x = abs(p.x);p.y = -0.15 -p.y*1.2 + p.x*(1.0-p.x);return length(p) - 0.5;} Technical Highlights SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 GitHub Repository Shaders & Graphics SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 GitHub Repository This is written by a fragment shader! Silverjay Studio SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 GitHub Repository SKCell SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 GitHub Repository SKRenderer SKCell 是一个强大、全面的 Unity 实用程序包,可以极大地增强您的开发体验。 GitHub Repository
- Music | Alex Liu
音乐作品 嗯……也许无关紧要?
- Home | Alex Liu Games
ALEX LIU 游戏开发者/设计师 将创意火花烹饪成不经意间的美味佳肴。
- Shaders | Alex Liu
着色器 当科学遇见艺术。 < Back to Codespace
- Journey to the Dawn | Alex Liu
黎明之旅 冒险 / 管理游戏,PC,2021 介绍 《黎明之旅》是一款航海/生存/管理游戏,玩家在灾难后扮演一艘帆船的船长。目标是逃到大陆,同时在岛屿上收集资源并管理你的小屋和小屋。船上的水手。 我的角色 设计师、首席程序员 后退 黎明开头.jpg 截图6.jpg 截图5.jpg 黎明开头.jpg
- Prelude of Time | Alex Liu
时间的前奏 冒险/平台游戏,PC,2019-20 后退 介绍 Prelude of Time 是一款 2D 平台冒险游戏,需要控制三个不同的角色。玩家将探索微妙的时间世界并找到隐藏其中的真相。 活动 2020年THE 2020 IndiePlay中国独立游戏大奖【全国】最佳学生游戏提名(时光序曲) 2020年【全国】 第二届中国艺术游戏大赛优秀学生游戏(时光序曲) 2020【全国】入围(时光序曲)2020腾讯青少年游戏设计师挑战赛 2020年CAA“临风眠”奖【地区】金奖3万奖金(时光序曲) 我的角色 制片人、首席程序员
- Sketchball | Alex Liu
素描球 解谜游戏,iOS,2020 介绍 《素描球》是一款创新、休闲、益智类手机游戏。玩家在屏幕上画线,作为球掉落的实体表面。游戏有 2 种不同的模式和 300 多个探索关卡。 *可在 AppStore 上获取。 活动 2021 [国际] 2021 年独立游戏节最佳学生游戏荣誉奖 我的角色 独立开发者 后退